Saturday, June 22, 2024

Ai Summer Newsletter -A. Cervantes

Using Ai assisted technology to create a newsletter was interesting as I’ve never used any Ai tools in my life. My initial prompt was, “generate summer newsletter for elementary school grades 1st-5th with activities, book recommendations, and contact information for Laredo public library.” I chose these grade levels because of grade levels that participate in the Accelerated Reader program. ChatGPT generated a lot of information such as an introduction, activities to explore, book recommendations , community events, and contact information for the Laredo Public Library. There was a lot of information that needed to be tailored to fit your specific needs. I thought this was interesting because I would think it would include a space for the librarians name versus a principals name, considering it being about books recommendations and more. Here is the link to this first ChatGPT summer newsletter

Two team members of my group and I entered our own prompts into ChatGPT and discussed our findings. My two other team members got more similar results to each other, mine varied a little more than theirs. I put specific grade levels and I believe that generated different and more specific activities and books because of it. We decided to use the newsletter that generated more similar results and all collaborated with Canva in order to create a colorful and attractive newsletter to potentially use in the future. This end result can be used to share on social media platforms and printed as well. Reusing this template can be helpful for each updated newsletter and implementing planning and scheduling as part of the content creation process (from our LinkedIn content creation modules) will definitely help to stay organized and share content with a automaticity and consistency.

I analyzed the book recommendations that ChatGPT generated across all three prompts and The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Charlotte's Webb, The Magic Tree House, and Percy Jackson were in each of the group members prompts. That shows how the Ai tool has some consistency with the general idea of the prompts. 

Also, I thought it was interesting how the activities generated for my prompt was so different than my team members. I really liked the outdoor activities it generated and how specific it was to each grade level. I really liked the newsletter we used for our project as it contained more specific information that the library offered such as the library events, which can be kept up on the fridge and an easy reference for parents and students when thinking of the library during summertime.  The book recommendations were by grade level and good titles for go to books. The author interview was interesting; however, I think using a more updated author would be of benefit to be able to relate to the current times. The reading tips was something useful to promote reading at home. 

Using ChatGPT was a great tool to use as it helps create a general outline for your work with creative and fun ideas, and gives you the ability to change and modify as you go. It was so fascinating to see how quickly it generated all the information as well. Creating a newsletter on your own can take a good amount of time and so this was very helpful. I will definitely enjoy using this tool in the future to help me save time and give me new ideas for purposes such as a newsletter. 


  1. This was so intriguing! It was great that you all tried different but similar prompts and got such differences! It is really a matter if engineering the prompt. That has been my experience with AI.

  2. This blog was so thorough and really helpful for those of us learning how to use AI! I'm grateful you mentioned using different prompts and highlighted the importance of details in the prompt such as grade level.

  3. Your newsletter is so helpful, organized and give accurate information. Good job!


Reflection Digital Tech- April Cervantes

I used  to create my digital storytelling reflection for my course, Digital Technology for the School Librarian. At fi...