Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Reflection Digital Tech- April Cervantes

I used makebeliefscomix.com to create my digital storytelling reflection for my course, Digital Technology for the School Librarian. At first I had to play around with the program and lost two drafts because I did not save my work correctly. Ultimately, I enjoyed this program and through this course and my young adult literature course, I realized I really enjoy comic books. My reflection of this course is told through a comic book strip page summarizing my learning from this course and my experience with digital technology applied in our assignments. When trying to upload my comic book, the text was not clear even when enlarging, so I decided to use screenpal to record and narrate it for you all. I hope you all enjoy my effort in creating my reflection through a digital comic book webpage. 

-April Cervantes


  1. I love your comic strip!! So much fun and you did a wonderful job telling your story with the course this semester.

  2. This is perfect! I enjoyed the comic strip reflection. You've shown that you understand the work of the school librarian!


Reflection Digital Tech- April Cervantes

I used  makebeliefscomix.com  to create my digital storytelling reflection for my course, Digital Technology for the School Librarian. At fi...